Projects’ implementation during COVID-19

Here we would like to provide you as a project partner with information on project implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Hanse Parlament.

On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared the corona virus a global pandemic. Therefore, the principle of ‘force majeure’ can be applied to the Erasmus+ programme.

This principle applies to

  1. Multiplier events/conferences
  2. Already booked travelling that had to be cancelled

To Multiplier events/conferences:

As a matter of principle, there is no overall rule on the part of the EU Commission as to whether and up to what date events are to be postponed or cancelled. However, events and meetings can be cancelled with reference to force majeure if these had taken place in ‘affected areas’.

In any case, it is important that in all the cases the responsible partners are able to document and justify the decisions of cancellation well (with the appropriate evidence depending on the individual case, e.g. emails from partners, official regulations, etc.). These evidences will be necessary to submit with the next report in the projects.

The project consortium is asked to use online tools to carry out meetings, video conferences etc. If these can be carried out virtually, the originally approved costs (unit cost rates) will be accepted for the original duration of the measures applied. As evidence registration list, agenda, screen shots, etc. of the event need to be submitted.

To Already booked travelling that had to be cancelled:

Unforeseen additional costs are expenses that are not included in the original budget (e.g. cancellation fees that were not covered by insurance are covered if the event could not be postponed). These expenses must be accounted for as real costs (not as unit costs or lump sums). For the documentation, there must be kept a signed declaration certifying that the costs could not be reimbursed otherwise.

Generally, due to COVID-19, projects lasting 36 months can only be extended in a very exceptional case (serious problems) if the overall success of the project is at risk. In the case of the projects led by the Hanse Parlament and Baltic Sea Academy this does not apply to any of the projects. The duration of the projects therefore remains unchanged. All Intellectual Outputs and projects results need to be achieved by ending of the respective project.