BaltSe@nioR 2.0 – providing more senior-friendly public spaces & Virtual Library

BaltSe@nioR 2.0 – Innovative solutions to support BSR in providing more senior-friendly spaces due to increased capacity of BSR companies and public institutions is unifying various actors (municipalities, universities, businesses, NGOs) representing all 8 BSR countries and Russia to work together to help the Region to cope with the aging challenge by providing more senior-friendly public spaces.

Modern public spaces should reduce ageism and be friendly to all. Nevertheless, when public space is considered economy is the biggest obstacle. Knowing BSR is furniture powerhouse of the EU, generates though enormous possibilities. With new guidelines on senior-friendly, smart public procurement we will open up discussion for the necessity to consider safety and aging-friendly requirements while producing and buying furniture for public spaces. We will promote intergenerational respect, universal design and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

​BaltSe@nioR 2.0 builds on the positive results gained from BaltSe@nioR 1.0. By focusing not only on companies, designers and researchers, but also on municipalities, providers and owners of public spaces we can ensure greater collaboration across the value chain to accommodate seniors needs regarding furniture. 

The Poznan University of Life Sciences continues its role as Lead Partner. Hanse Parlament is pleased to be part of this exciting project. The project runs until 30.06.2021.

BaltSe@nior Virtual Library

Photo: Screenshot of the Project BaltSe@nioR website

BaltSe@nior Virtual Library is the one place to go for information when developing furniture solutions for seniors.

The Virtual Library is a transnational BSR platform online that hides a lot of research data, tools and methods that any interested party can use and share for free. And not only!

The virtual library is for knowledge sharing and information exchange for furniture manufacturers, designers, students, practitioners, researchers.

When registering you can check relevant information to promote development of furniture that better meet the needs of seniors due to being based on facts and research data from the whole region.

The Virtual Library has been already growing for last three years and it is further continued in the BaltSe@nioR 2.0.

The project is co-financed by INTERREG VB programme. To the library go this way: