On October 24 and 25, the Hanse Parlament participated in the European Forum on Integration of Migrants and Refugees organized by the Policy Area Education of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region in collaboration with the Working Group on Migration and Integration of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC). Aside from participating in many interesting workshops over the two days, the Hanse Parlament also held a future workshop with nine participants on how to support and integrate migrants as business founders and successors in SMEs based on the experiences made in the New Entrepreneurs project.


On 20 September 2019, Hanse Parlament accepted the invitation and travelled to Schwerin to attend the final conference of the project Job to Stay. The Erasmus+ project, which is led by the University of Applied Sciences Schwerin, deals with the integration of female refugees into the tourist labour market and the social environment. Thus, the project shows synergies with the Hanse Parlament projects “New Entrepreneurs” and “INTACT”, which is why the exchange of experiences was particularly interesting.

Photo by Michael Schwaiger, E. N. T. E. R. Network; Job-to-stay conference in Schwerin in Septtember 2019

On November 27, the Hanse Parlament presented the results of the New Entrepreneurs project in Kiel to the project consortium of the TREND project (Training Refugees in Entrepreneurial skills using digital devices). The aim of the meeting is to exchange experiences and offer insights on the developed education measures of the TREND project.


This year’s annual conference of the German National Agency Education for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training took place in September in Bremen and was held under the title “The future is Europe – shaping education with Erasmus+”. After following the discussion about the future of the Erasmus+ program and the challenges in vocational and adult education and training between the president of the Federal Institute for VET the scientific director of the German Institute for Adult Education, the participants spent the afternoons in different thematic forums. The Hanse Parlament participated in the forum “The target group: On the way to inclusive vocational training” and present the project “New Entrepreneurs” there.

07.05.2020New Entrepreneurs | Sixth Project Meeting | Hamburg/Germany
08.05.2020Conference in Hamburg “New Entrepreneurs: Promoting and integrating migrants as entrepreneurs and skilled workers for SMEs” (New Entrepreneurs).
14.05.2020INTACT | Fifth Project Meeting | Olsztyn/Poland
15.05.2020Conference in Olsztyn to present and discuss the results of the project “Integration of newly arrived migrants by means of competency assessment and high-quality further vocational training” (INTACT).
27.05.2020ICC4VET | Sixth Project Meeting | Slupsk/Poland
28.05.2020Conference in Slupsk to present and discuss the results of the project “Establishment of two-stage industry competence centers of vocational education and training” (ICC4VET).
08-10.06.2020Programme of events in Brussels, Belgium
Project Meeting KA4HR
Project Meeting WWW&CE
Project Meeting INBETS BSR
General Assembly of Hanse Parlament and Baltic Sea Academy
Conference “Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs”
Visit and discussion rounds at the European Parliament
Train the Trainer Seminar WWW&CE
18.06.2020Bachelor & Meister | Sixth Project Meeting | Vilnius/Lithuania
19.06.2020Conference in Vilnius to present and discuss the results of the project “Designing and implementing a dual Bachelor’s degree study course with integral attainment of a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree” (Bachelor & Meister).
05.11.2020 INTACT | Sixth Project Meeting | Treviso/Italy
06.11.2020Conference in Treviso, Italy to present and discuss the results of the project “Integration of newly arrived migrants by means of competency assessment and high-quality further vocational training” (INTACT).
20.11.2020WWW&CE | Fifth Project Meeting | Gdansk/Poland
20.11.2020KAforHR | Fifth Project Meeting | Gdansk/Poland
07./08.06.2021WWW&CE | Sixth Project Meeting | Hamburg/Germany
07.06.2021KAforHR | Sixth Project Meeting | Hamburg/Germany
07.06.2021HP & BSA | General assembly HP & BSA | Hamburg/Germany
08.06.2021Conference in Hamburg to present and discuss the results of the project “Innovative Entrepreneurs and Innovation Support for SMEs: Knowledge Alliance Human Resources and Organizational Development” (KA4HR).

We cordially invite our Hanse Parlament and the Baltic Sea Academy Members to the events!
For individual events we offer to reimburse you travel and accommodation expenses. It does not apply to project partners involved in the respective projects.
Members who are interested in a participation with reimbursement of travel expenses, please contact Elina Priedulena at epriedulena@hanse-parlament.eu.