The AIRinVET project aims to drive European economic competitiveness and support the green and digital transition through the promotion of applied innovation and research (AIR) in vocational education and training (VET) for SMEs and industry. The different R&D activities of VET will be mapped and a European reference framework for applied research in VET education … Read more


Factors such as changing market conditions, digitalisation and the emergence of the Internet of Things, require from SMEs the reinvention of their value proposition to secure their survival which is often threatened by a lack of capability to innovate and compete on the global market. Currently, open innovation (OI) competencies are rare in SMEs and, … Read more

Prosper BSR

Prosper BSR started in October 2022. The idea was born out of the need to support professionally educated refugees and, at the same time, to address the local shortage of skilled workers in many EU countries. By involving skilled workers, the participating regions become more resilient at the same time (see external link for more information on resilience economies and immigration.


The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational education, training and higher education measures concerning green economy, digitalization and entrepreneurship.

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